Posts by Category


Anki - Part 1: The basics

3 minute read

Anki is a powerful flash cards app. While it may seem intimidating at first, you will learn to love it if you give it a chance.

The Google Books Ngram Viewer

less than 1 minute read

The Ngram Viewer ( can show you the frequency of certain (combinations of) words (over time). I often use the Ngram viewer w...

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Holding a discussion

3 minute read

In class or in exams you will often be asked to discuss an issue. One of your goals in this context is to keep the discussion going and to respond to what ot...

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cultural studies

Preparation Fachabitur 2024

1 minute read

In this post, I will collect some articles related to the topics of the Fachabitur. This post is a work in progress, so come back for updates.

Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X

1 minute read

Martin Luther King and Malcolm X are the two most important civil rights activist of their time. They are very visible in popular culture because their ideas...

African American Voices

5 minute read

If textbooks and curricula about US cultural studies did not explicitly require learners to read texts by and listen to an ethnically diverse cast of voices,...

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Narrative perspective

1 minute read

Any story is told through a narrative perspective. The author of a story chooses a narrative perspective to produce a certain effect.

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text production

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