Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X

1 minute read

Martin Luther King and Malcolm X are the two most important civil rights activist of their time. They are very visible in popular culture because their ideas are still relevant today. However, that makes it difficult to find sources which do not assume that their audience has some prior knowledge. Reading articles aimed at children can therefore be a great way for learners of English as a second language to learn about them:


  1. After you have read the articles, try to summarize in your own words what MLK and Malcolm X’s main differences and similarities are. Take notes so you can later check your answers.

  2. Use the online chatbot to get answers to exercise 1. Split the exercise into two questions (1. main differences and 2. similarities). What does the chatbot mention that you did not know or think of. What did you include which the chatbot left out. Bear in mind that you have to treat chatbots with caution because they can get things wrong.

  3. Watch the video about the concept of civil disobedience below and think of political protest today (e.g. Fridays for Future, Letzte Generation, BLM, the Me Too movement, the LGBTQ+ Rights movement). Discuss with a partner to what extent you think non-violent civil disobedience can lead to positive change and where it reaches its limits.
