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Overview of grammar topics by yearPermalink
The following progression of grammar topics follows the Bavarian Lehrplan PLUS for Gymnasium (erste Fremdsprache):
Year 5Permalink
Nouns in the singular and (regular/irregular) plural
’s and of genitive
Personal pronouns
Quantifiers: Much, many, a lot of, lots of
much, many:
Demonstrative pronouns
Possessive determiners
Indefinite pronouns and determiners: some, any; somebody, nobody; someone, anyone, no one; something, anything, nothing
Word order: place before time; S-V-O in the declarative sentence
Subordinate clauses (esp. temporal and causal); that-clause as the direct object
Interrogative pronouns
Auxiliary verbs (Part I): be, have (got), do
Auxiliary verbs (Part II): can
Auxiliary verbs (Part III): must, needn’t, mustn’t
Present tense simple / present tense progressive
Simple past
Year 6Permalink
Indefinite determiner and pronouns
Adjectives: comparative, superlative
Relative pronouns and relative clauses: defining; contact clauses
More subordinate clauses and conjunctions, esp. although, so that, while
Modal verbs: could, may, might, should; substitute forms
Question tags
Questions with prepostions
Present perfect simple: resultative use
Past tense progressive
Future: going-to future, will future, timetable future
Conditional type I sentences: present tense - will future / can / imperative; present tense - present tense
Year 7Permalink
Adverbs: comparative, superlative; word order
Adjectives and adverbs: difference; adjectives after state verbs
Reflexive pronouns, reciprocal pronouns (each other), reflexive Verbs
Pro-Form one(s)
Possessive pronouns
present perfect simple / present perfect progressive
past perfect simple
Temporal clause: time sequence
Conditional / conditional perfect
Conditional sentence type II
Only type II: exercise 1, exercise 2
Conditional sentence type III
Only type III: exercise 1, exercise 2
Type I - III: exercise 1, exercise 2, exercise 3
Mixed conditionals: exercise 1, exercise 2 (go to Grammar test 2 at the end of the page), exercise 3
Year 8Permalink
Nouns:articles; nominalized adjective; agreement
Adverbs: word order, use
Gerund as subject; infinitive and gerund after certain prepositions, expressions and verbs (including where there is a change in meaning), esp. in order to, it’s X (for sb.) to, the first to do sth., capapble of doing sth., look forward to doing sth., it’s no use doing sth. avoid doing sth., stop doing / to do sth., remember doing / to do sth.
Verbs with two objects
Passive in different tenses
Year 9Permalink
Relative clauses: non-defining; relative clauses which refer to a whole clause
Modal verbs: would, used to
Participle constructions, esp. as a means to connect or shorten clauses
ing-forms and contrast to infinitive contstructions (overview)
Emphasis, esp. with do
Indirect speech
- Time sequence: overview of tense and aspect; overview of tenses express