Required Materials for Mr Liebermann’s English lessons

Please bring all of the following materials to every English lesson.

A) Exercise books and a file folder

  • 1 (preferably 2) DinA4 exercise books, ruled with white margin (= liniert mit weißem Rand): Please write your first and last name and the name of your class on the cover.

  • 1 file folder for worksheets

I do not accept homework written on single sheets of paper (= Ich nehme keine Hausaufgabe an, die auf Einzelblätter geschrieben wurde.).

B) Pens and highlighters

  • 1 blue or black pen

  • 1 green pen or STABILO pen for correcting your own homework or your peers’ homework

  • 3 highlighters (= Marker) in three different colours

Please do not use pencil for your English homework.

C) Your textbook

For studying at home, you must either use vocabulary book with three columns (= drei Spalten) or a vocabulary app.