Anki - Part 3: Number of cards to study per day

1 minute read

Anki lets you chose the number of cards you want to learn every day. Here is how you do that on the desktop/laptop:

  1. Click on the cogwheel1 symbol next to one of your decks in the Decks menu.

  2. Go to Options. In the window which opens, you can change the settings for all decks, the present deck or for the duration of one day only.

  3. New cards/day is the number of cards you have never seen before that Anki will ask you to learn every day (if there are new cards left). I recommend 10-20 new cards per day. (Remember that one note with the cards front > back and the card back > front will count as two cards.)

  4. Maximum reviews/day is the maximum number of cards you will review every day. I recommend at least 100-200 cards per day. If you have decided that you will study 10 new cards per day and a total of 100 cards, 90 cards will be cards you already know, and which will not take up much time.

  1. a wheel with a series of teeth on the edge that fit between the teeth on the next wheel and cause it to move 
