Giving your opinion
Common phrases for presenting your opinion
In my (honest) opinion, …
I (really) think that …
I (strongly) believe that …
I (truly) feel that …
I’m sure that …
Common mistake: You cannot use the English verb to mean (German bedeuten) as a translation of German meinen (English to think / to be of the opinion that). The English noun meaning (German Bedeutung) is not the same as German Meinung (English opinion).
Semi-formal to formal phrases you can use for more variation
Phrases to use if you are sure of your opinion
Without a doubt, …
I’m (fairly) confident that …
I’m entirely / quite convinced …
Phrases which show that you know that there may be other perspectives
It seems to me that …
From my point of view, …
From my perspective, …
A great way to practice expressing opinion are Would you rather questions. Ask a friend to discuss one of the following questions with you and try to use three to five new phrases you have learned:
Would your rather be the smartest or the fastest person in the world?
Would you rather live somewhere where it is only summer all year long or live where it is constantly winter?
Would you rather move to the UK or to the US?
Would you rather have tea with King Charles or with the President of the USA?