Useful phrases for film reviews

less than 1 minute read

Basic facts and summary

  • [NAME OF THE FILM] is a comedy / thriller / romance / horror / science fiction / western / historical / fantasy / adventure film.

  • It was written / directed by XXX.

  • [NAME OF THE FILM] stars XXX. / XXX plays the protagonist / villain.


  • A performance may be remarkable / memorable / (less) convincing / fascinating / funny / stereotypical / disappointing.

  • A scene / dialogue may be well-acted / badly acted.


  • Music may contribute to the mood / atmosphere of a scene.

  • The soundtrack may set the scene / build tension / show a character’s emotions / connect scenes.


  • The script’s writing may be excellent / poor.

  • The story may be exciting / boring / thrilling / amusing / (un)realistic / exaggerated / unbelievable / confusing / entertaining / full of tension.

  • The story may have unexpected plot twists / unexpected moments.


  • If you like XXX, this is the film for you.

  • This film will change the way you think about XXX.

  • I highly / strongly / definitely recommend this film.

  • I (certainly) wouldn’t recommend this film (because …)

